
Social Media Stars – MAY 2021 Inna leads the content creators’ top

According to the Social Media Stars Index, conducted by Starcom Romania, the level of engagement of content creators’ communities decreased on Instagram and Youtube, while on Facebook it increased in May 2021 compared to the same period last year. This month’s top also comes with novelties in terms of its composition, one of the most notable being the fact that Inna returns to the first place.
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Sponsorship Impact: The Ecosystem of Emotions and Attitudes

The indicators measured the TV show association and impact on brands from diverse categories: beauty products, sweets, beer, non-carbonated soft drinks, retail and cleaning products. We conducted 1695 interviews from which 1090 people were exposed to at least one sponsorship for the mentioned categories.
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The health of your brand is so very important, powered by digital health index

If a business is depending on a marketing-mix model that averages the past 3 YEARS of data, the maximum potential of communication cannot be reached. Brands need data that is fresh, current and reflect what’s happening TODAY or AT LEAST THIS WEEK.
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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food consumption

According to the study “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food consumption”, conducted by Starcom Romania, Romanians have been thoughtful about food spending in the last year and have continued to buy familiar brands. At the same time, they became more aware of what they ate and bought healthy foods: almost 90% of them avoided products with artificial additives, 86% used natural or organic ingredients when preparing food, and 82% avoided carbonated drinks.
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FOCUS ON: New Media Usage – 6 out of 10 Romanians have recently seen campaigns on TikTok

In the past year, the need for connection and information has increased, according to the New Media Adoption study, carried out by Spark Foundry media agency, member of Publicis Groupe Romania. Romanians have used the online environment to a greater extent in the past 12 months compared to previous years: they were more present on platforms (54%) and social networks (50%), made more payments (56%) and did more online shopping (52%). Isolation and unprecedented events led them, at the same time, to read news more frequently (45%) and to watch movies and series more often (43%).
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