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FOCUS ON: New Media Usage – 6 out of 10 Romanians have recently seen campaigns on TikTok

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In the past year, the need for connection and information has increased, according to the New Media Adoption study, carried out by Spark Foundry media agency, member of Publicis Groupe Romania. Romanians have used the online environment to a greater extent in the past 12 months compared to previous years: they were more present on platforms (54%) and social networks (50%), made more payments (56%) and did more online shopping (52%). Isolation and unprecedented events led them, at the same time, to read the news more frequently (45%) and to watch movies and series more often (43%).

Reasons for which Romanians use social media 

In the context of the pandemic, urban Internet users accessed social media to keep in touch with loved ones, a reason invoked especially by adults over the age of 55 (71%). Adults also use social media largely to keep up to date with news from the lives of family members, friends and colleagues (65%). Instead, young people (18-34 years old) use social media mainly to fill their free time (67%), following several types of content, brands and influencers, being up to date with the latest trends and posting in their turn.

Most accessed social media platforms  

Facebook continues to be the most popular social media platform, used by all age groups, with a coverage of 91%, especially by people over 55 (95%). Young people between the ages of 18 and 34 are more attracted to platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat, while people over the age of 55 prefer to access social platforms for professional purposes, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. At the same time, Clubhouse does not yet enjoy the same popularity as in Western markets, in Romania, being preferred by young people aged between 35 and 44 years.

Favorite online content 

Images are the most popular type of social media content for all age segments, with 67% coverage. While young people (18-24 y.o.) prefer videos (65%), stories on Instagram (59%), 360-degree images (31%) and GIFs (26%), people aged 25-44 are more attracted to posts by their favourite brands (36%) and live streaming (21%). At the same time, articles (63%) and audio content (29%) are more appreciated by people over 55. Activities on Instagram Young people (18-34 y.o.) post, participate in contests and follow influencers on Instagram. At the same time, adults have a more passive behaviour and use the platform to follow their friends, to react to posts or to enter sponsored ads.

TikTok, increasingly popular 6 out of 10 urban Internet users have recently seen campaigns run by influencers or brands on TikTok, mostly related to beauty and fashion (59%), music (56%), education (53%) or gastronomy (50%).

The platform remains popular among young people aged 18 to 24 (47%) and 25 to 34 (37%).

360-degree images and videos, a different experience 

Romanians consider 360-degree images and videos a captivating and dynamic experience. Young people are more familiar with this type of content, to which they respond better than to simple posts, with almost 90% of those aged between 18 and 24 saying they pay more attention to 360-degree images and videos.

Audio content, less popular

Platforms that have exclusively audio content are not yet very popular among Romanians. Those familiar with this type of platform access them to connect with other people and get information in a private and comfortable way (80%).

Live streaming for entertainment 

Only 17% of urban Internet users watch live streaming on social networks. Most of them use it for entertainment (music, concerts) but also for professional purposes: video conferencing and personal and professional development courses. The most used platforms for live streaming are Youtube (86%), Facebook (77%) and Instagram (67%).


Most of those who have undertaken gaming activities in the last 12 months are young. While the 18-24 age group plays online with friends (55%), people aged between 25 and 34 prefer to download games on their smartphones or access games on social networks (64%).

People between the ages of 45-55 look for free video games (50%), and those between the ages of 35 and 44 are more attentive to the game’s design (41%) and the extent to which it can be customized (31%).

Recommendations from acquaintances, the popularity of the game and the storyline are the main reasons why people between the ages of 18 and 24 try a video game. Online communities Young people (18-24 y.o.) join brand communities out of curiosity (69%), while people aged 25-34 (69%) and those over 55 (68%) join to find people with the same interests.

The 25-34 age segment is the most active in the online communities of brands: they react to posts, look for people with the same interests and participate in contests and events. Instead, connections and friendships are made in communities by people between the ages of 45 and 55.

Family co-viewing 

61% of the respondents of the study watch TV with their family, and 38% of them confessed that in the last year, they watched TV or online programs with their family to a greater extent compared to other years. In fact, TV remains the main source of information for Romanians, with 38% of them saying they prefer to watch the news rather than read information online, while 25% prefer to get informed from the online environment.

E-commerce through social media 

The tag function used by brands for e-commerce is appreciated by Romanian Internet users and is considered useful because it reduces the search time of the product (72%) and provides all the details about the price without having to access the website (80%). However, only 35% of them buy the products promoted this way when they come across them tagged.

You can download the entire study from below View File
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