The negative trend in terms of digital activities continues in this wave, affecting all online activities except watching movies/series and podcasts, which remain at the same level reported in the previous edition of the survey. This is most likely due to the fact that the public has started to spend more time outside home due to the relaxation of anti-covid measures.
According to the New Media Adoption study, conducted by the Data Intelligence team of media agency Spark Foundry, part of Publicis Groupe Romania, among the main digital activities of Romanians are online payments and shopping, accessing online platforms and social networks, and also accessing news publications.
Alexandra Caciur, Head Of Data & Business Intelligence @Digitas, togheter with Nicoleta Baicu, Head of Digital & E-commerce Marketing - Carrefour have a very interesting talk about the digital environment and how Data is at the center of it all, for IQads.
In the last year, the need for connection and information has increased, according to the New Media Adoption study, carried out by our colleagues at Spark Foundry.
The general tendency of people to rely on moments of happiness or well-being as a landmark of normalcy, disregarding the ups and downs and not accepting them as a reality, has a name: "hedonistic adaptation". In this type of adaptation, those who win the lottery gradually return to the "old" level of joy.