
Real-Time Promo

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Real-Time Promo

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What is it?

A tool that shows in real time the Promo Campaigns’ digital performance, website leads, and actions within the database of promo registrations.

Why would you need it?

No more finding out results at the end of the campaign! Instead, it is possible to keep track of the daily results and the campaigns’ success factors and dive deeper for more valuable optimizations.

Product benefits

Weekly optimization of channel placements, reach, and adjustments of targeting based on daily results and discovered behavior patterns.

What can we track/analyse?

  • 1Online
  • 2CRM
  • 3TV
  • 4OOH
  • 5Print

Which kind of clients can we help?

All categories.

What results can you achieve?

  • Increase participation rate by >70% for a six weeks campaign.
  • Increased promo ads relevancy by changes in the timing of ads delivery or by creative materials upgrades, which brought over six digits earned media efficiency.
Case Study

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