

What is it?

It is a set of methodological procedures and protocols facilitating a deep investigation of participant behaviors in online cultures and communities. This type of qualitative research consists of a group of methodological approaches and protocols that contribute to the debate of researching online populations, transitioning traditional techniques of cultural anthropology to an online setting, and innovation in appropriate locations.

Why would you need it?

It draws upon computer-mediated communications or network-based data to arrive at an ethnographic understanding of a social or cultural phenomenon.

Product benefits

Through immersive cultural participation and observation, Netnography allows researchers to focus on new areas of social life:

  • What are the factors that coagulate communities?
  • What are their common interests? What tensions can a brand solve?
  • What profiles should we address?
  • What type of content is the most produced, appreciated, or shared?
  • Are there different types of community members who polarize the conversations?
  • What routines does the community develop?
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