
Publicis Romania

The leading data intelligence providers

As for social media, the Content Power Ratings study indicates that fans of TV shows are debating TV show topics less, with the number of comments down 35% from last fall. In this respect, the biggest drop is seen on YouTube (-51%). Less affected by this trend is Instagram, which has a drop of only 7% in the number of comments. The platform is also the only one where fan interactions with published content is increasing (+42% more reactions compared to the 2020 season). This is mainly due to the Asia Express account, which has more than 4.7 million reactions during this period.

Comunicarea este o știință. Înseamnă mai mult decât creativitate și inspirație, înseamnă semnale primite de la consumatori sub forma unor multitudini de date care pot determina succesul unei afaceri.

The leading data intelligence providers

As for social media, the Content Power Ratings study indicates that fans of TV shows are debating TV show topics less, with the number of comments down 35% from last fall. In this respect, the biggest drop is seen on YouTube (-51%). Less affected by this trend is Instagram, which has a drop of only 7% in the number of comments. The platform is also the only one where fan interactions with published content is increasing (+42% more reactions compared to the 2020 season). This is mainly due to the Asia Express account, which has more than 4.7 million reactions during this period.

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