
Brand Reputation Radar

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Brand Reputation Radar

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What is it?

It is our tool for tracking the brand reputation and seizing growth opportunities.

Why would you need it?

It’s the first end-to-end solution on the market to help clients make informed business decisions and plan actions based on reputation management (measurement, analysis, reaction).

Product benefits

  • MEASURE You can tap into customers, employees, mass media, and influencers' sentiments, when and where it happens. You can quickly sort through your customer's reviews to segment according to topics, location, campaign, or time frame.
  • REACT You can formulate real-time or deliberate decisions and actions for current and future campaigns.
  • IMPROVE You can optimize your reputation by contacting customers, stores and employees, journalists, and influencers. In addition, you can create targeted actions on topics, targets, stores, or periods.

What can we track?

PR actions and organic exposure from social media, bloggers, and publishers generated media exposure.

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